
호주방 계몽운동 그 네번째시간-! (호주 뉴스) 2008.06.27 - Christhills

2020-08-28 22:38

일단 다들 식사맛있게 하셨나요??

1. 뉴사우스웨일즈 사우쓰코스트에서 한 남성과 세아이의 시체가 차안에서 발견되었답니다..

모두들 몸조심합시다...ㅋㅋㅋ언제 망치로 뒤통수 맞고 시체로 발견될지 모릅니다...

특히, 밤에 쉴새없이 싸돌아 다니는 학생들...일찍일찍 귀가하세요..^^

2. 콴타스 스트라잌은 점점더 심해지네...파씬져의 고통만 더 심해지는듯..ㅜ.ㅜ

빠른시일내에 엔지니어들과 매니지먼트 사이에 적당한 협상이 타결되길 바래봅니다..ㅋ

그럼, 오늘은 잼있는 정치 얘기하나랑  해볼까요??

헨리아저씨가 졸라 투철한 자연보호론자인데, 마누라랑...

웜바트(멍청하게 생긴 호주동물ㅋㅋ) 보러 놀러간답니다...^^

그랬더니, 반대캥거루 짱먹고인는 넬슨아저씨가 짐 얼마나 바쁜데 웜밭이나 보러가냐며!!

개념 좀 챙기라고 했거든요..ㅋㅋ

하니깐 헨리아저씨 꼬봉이 나와서 흥분하면서 넬슨아씨한테 '너나 잘하세요~'하네요..

헨리아저씨가 크리스마스때도 나와서 일하고 했으니 할만큼 했다구여...ㅋㅋ

글구 쇄기를 박으며 넬슨아저씨한 한마디하죠..'니 꼬봉들이나 잘 챙기라구'

골프치로가고, '질의시간'에 밥먹으로 딱~놓구, 중동으로 연수성? 여행가구..ㅋㅋㅋ

옆에서 보든 케빈...왈...'놀땐 놀아야 한답니다...'아하하하^^

선진국 정치라...한국이랑 많이 차이나죠??? ㅋㅋㅋ

우리모두 놀땐 놀자구여....^^

나두 어제밤에 열심히 일했으니...빨리 퇴근시켜달라~!!!!

Politicians clash over Treasury head's wombat break

An endangered Queensland wombat colony has sparked accusations by the Federal Treasurer of an Opposition smear campaign.

Treasury head Ken Henry, a passionate conservationist, is planning to spend five weeks with his wife caring for hairy-nosed wombats in central Queensland.

However, Opposition Leader Brendan Nelson told Fairfax radio it was a concern that the Treasurer would not have Mr Henry around to 'look after' him.


"Five weeks is a long time and I'm a bit concerned about who is going to look after our muddle-headed Treasurer in the period," he said.


"Inflation is a challengeinterest rates are going up, petrol is going through the roof, we are worried about pensioners' cost-of-living pressures, we have got a major tax reform going on, we have the biggest economic train coming down the track in the form of climate change."


Treasurer Wayne Swan called a special press conference to defend Mr Henry and accused the Opposition of launching a smear campaign.


"He worked through Christmas, he worked around the clock on the Budget," he said.


"So it's appropriate he takes a break now comes back recharged and gets stuck into that very big agenda which the Government is working on so therefore I do think it is regrettable that we have today this smear campaign from Dr Nelson," he said.


Mr Swan also questioned the recent actions of some Opposition MPs.


"Dr Nelson thinks it's OK for Alexander Downer to go and play golf, to go to lunch during Question Time, for Mark Vaile to travel to the Middle East as a consultant but it's not OK for our top public servant to take a few weeks off," he said.


Mr Swan said the Treasury will be in good hands while Mr Henry is on leave.


Prime Minister Kevin Rudd also agrees Mr Henry is entitled to a break.


"He is a first-class public servant, he works extremely hard, rarely takes a break and has always been there to assist the Government," he said.


"I think the key challenge is to ensure that all of our people are trying to get their own lives as best balanced as they can."




재미 있으셨나요???


그럼 보충수업명단자 - 룰루, 불나방, 쌍방울..ㅋㅋㅋ


불나방아~ 너 클라식컬 뮤직 좋아한다며...어떤거 좋아하냐??


심포니, 콘체르~또, 쳄버 앙상블...등등


썰한번 풀어봐바~~~ㅋㅋㅋ 호주방 심심한데...


토끼지말구 보충수업하고 가라~~응?? 으하하하하





전세계가 그렇겠지만 오늘 호주도 장난아니네여...ㅜ.ㅜ



Australian shares take a tumble

By business editor Peter Ryan


The Australian share market is struggling after heavy falls overnight in the US on the back of rocketing oil prices, with the brunt borne by banks, insurance and mining heavyweights BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto.


Key market indicator the All Ordinaries index was down 2.8 per cent (153 points) earlier today, almost matching Wall Street's overnight plunge of 3 per cent.


It has since recovered slightly to be 5,309, down 2 per cent (112 points) at 12:11pm AEST.


The benchmark ASX 200 has been down as much as 3 per cent today. At 12:11pm AEST it was 5,192, down 2 per cent (114 points).


A range of factors has fuelled fears that the credit crunch has a considerable way to play out.


With oil breaching the psychologically important $US140 barrier overnight, and a warning from investment bank, Goldman Sachs effectively urging investors to see banking stocks, the Australian banking sector bore the brunt at the start of trade.


At 12:11pm AEST, oil was $US139.64, down from its overnight high.

Earlier today National Australia Bank was down 5.8 per cent, ANZ,


Westpac and Commonwealth Bank were down 4 per cent and the ailing investment bank Babcock and Brown was 6 per cent weaker.


The insurance sector was down sharply and Centro Properties, one of the companies exposed to risk, took a 7 per cent hiding.


In the resources sector, market heavyweights BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto have fallen 3 per cent though oil companies Woodside and Santos were winning from the higher oil price, up 2 per cent.


The US share market suffered overnight after crude oil prices surged to $US140.39 a barrel, a spike of around $US5 after comments from the president of the oil cartel OPEC that prices could reach $US170 by the end of the year.




좋은 주말되세요~~~




웜바트가 궁금하실듯 해서요...아하하하


진짜 멍청하게 생겼죠...ㅋㅋㅋ





큰형님 감사요~~^^ 님두 룰루와 그 꼬봉들의 계몽운동에 지속적인 관심을 가져주세요...아하하하 해피 위켄 투 유~~~^^ 08.06.28

리플달기 | 신고하기


재밌게 보고 있네요...계속 수고 부탁해요.... 08.06.27

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클래식대해 함써봐....전에 베토벤음악들으며...뭐라더라???ㅋ 아하하하 진짜 웃긴다...글구 앨빈님아 저 몰라여...인터넷에서 퍼왔슴돠...그럴수도 있겠네여...근데 멜번주에도 조넘들 있구...암튼...진짜 멍충하게 생겼죠??그날이오면님 말처럼= 불나방ㅋㅋ 08.06.27

리플달기 | 신고하기


꼴통!! 불나방 왔냐?? 아하하하~ 방울도 같이 왔네?? ㅋㅋ 근데 저게 뭔말이냐?? 뭘 에케해달고??? 짜슥요구하는것두 많네...번역?? 위에 해줬잖아?? 같은 내용이야~ㅋㅋ 좀잼있게 귀에 쏙꼬치도록 풀어설명한거다~ 영어공부쫌 해라~무식아~ 아하하하 08.06.27

리플달기 | 신고하기


웜뱃 첫번째사진 혹시 타롱가 동물원 아닌가요? 거기 웜뱃 한마리 살던데.. 웜뱃집이 타롱가동물원꺼랑 비슷해보이네요. 08.06.27

리플달기 | 신고하기


-_-* wombat = 불나비,,,,,,,,추천요~^o^ 08.06.27

리플달기 | 신고하기


니글엔 점점 재미없어진다. 좀더 자극적이고 뚜렷한 주제를 쓰거라. 이런식으로 세계방엔 언제올라갈래? 짜식.. 08.06.27

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