
호주부동산 보세요^^ 2008.07.27 - Christhills

2020-08-28 22:26
주말에 와서 글읽어보니 호주부동산에 관심있는 분이 있네여~^^

또 불나방이 와서 말도 안되는 댓글 달아놨구여...ㅋㅋㅋ

불나방은 내가 그만큼 설명해줘도 부동산불패니 뭐니하는데,,ㅋㅋㅋ

암튼 보세요~~^^


ABC Inside Business 입니다...(속도느린분은 두번째거 클릭요!!!)








리스닝 잘 안되시는 분들을 위해서요

Of the sectors caught up in the credit crunch here, none have been hit harder than listed property trusts.
This week Mirvac showed the sort of stress that the industry was under by slashing its forecast earnings and distributions to investors.

As Kathy Swan reports, the property trusts fall from being high yield safe havens to risky, debt-ridden investments has been rapid.

It's been a shocker of a year for the listed property sector.

Its value's been slashed from last October's peak, wiping out around $40 billion, and it may get worse.

Bricks and mortar used to be good solid investments, we're forecasting over the next 12 to 18 months that they will be a bad investment

Investors felt the first disturbing rumble in December - when Centro Properties Group announced a $4 billion funding shortfall.
Just two weeks ago, one of the pioneers of the sector, the respected GPT Group, announced a shock profit downgrade, prompting an immediate cut in its credit rating, which will only make life tougher by forcing up its borrowing costs.

GPT used to be our highest rated AREIT in the world, it used to be AA-minus

The change in sentiment has seen the ASX 200 property index dive 40 per cent since its peak in October, a dismal underperformance even when compared to the decline on the broader market.

It's a period characterised by a desperate sale of assets to cut debt, write-downs in value for those properties that have been held on to, and now just to make investors even more queasy, their cherished distributions are being cut.

The problems with the credit markets really go to the core of this

Louis Christopher, head of property research at Adviser Edge, says thanks to the on going credit crunch, real estate investment trusts with high debt levels are in a tricky situation.

In the commercial property market in the first six months of this year, a situation where capitalisation rates - a method we use to value commercial property - have gone up by about one per cent - in some cases it's gone up more, in some cases less, and those real estate investment trusts where they've been highly geared and they've seen their capitalisation rates increase by that
amount, what it translates for them is basically an automatic 20 to 30 per cent decrease in the real value of the properties

Debt levels and falling asset values are bringing the AREITS, or Australian Real Estate Investment Trusts, under close scrutiny by the market and global ratings agencies.

We have two AREITS on a negative outlook, being Mirvac and GPT, the remaining of our AREITS are all on stable outlook - we don't have any AREITS on a positive outlook.

Standard & Poor's Director of Corporate Ratings, Craig Parker, says however, the sector as a whole is still investment grade

The entities that stuck to their knitting - that are actually investment entities in high quality assets - are the CFS retails, the Stocklands, the Westfields of the world and as consequence, they have a lower probability of default and they are in the A category

But in a volatile market - few pause to consider the detail of debt levels - according to Stephen Day, Executive Director of Valad Property Group.

We've gone past the part where the market I think has probably overreacted on the upside last year and now it's probably overreacted on the downside this year and thrown out most companies in the same basket - but I think the investors and the brokers are starting to understand that all the businesses are somewhat different - ours is lowly geared.

But Valad's still down as much as 70 per cent from last year's market peak, and that's despite this week's overall rally for the sector.

We've obviously suffered just as much as everyone else has on the market place, in terms of where the share place has ended up, drifting much below what we think is fair value

We're at the dark side of the moon, we've got to get round to the other side and that will take some time, and these cycles normally last, you know, one to five years.

A few days ago, property developers and managers Mirvac cut its earnings forecast and investor payout for next year, although 2008 is in line with earlier guidance.

Earnings were $352 million, which was towards the top end of our range of $362 million that we put out a month and a half ago.

Managing director Greg Paramor also says Mirvac's going back to using cash as opposed to debt for its reduced distribution to investors.

We believe going forward, that a better way to do it is pay out trust earnings - which in our case for 2009 will be approximately 20 cents, paying out only 20 cents means we'll be retaining the earnings from our corporation, that is used to pay down debt and is used for other development activity

Reducing debt is one step in restoring stability and investor confidence, but the sector may yet be taking two steps back. More grim news is expected next month, when reporting season hits its stride.

It's very much sticking to your knitting at this stage, and it's not a time to be too ambitious or too aggressive

All around town, people are running a ruler over things - there will definitely be M and A activity.

Bargain hunters may be eyeing off buying opportunities, but to go shopping requires cash or credit, and there's not a lot of either about.







ㅋㅋㅋ 쇼핑하시려면 총알이 필요하죠...'꾸준히 총알'준비하고 기둘리세요~~^^

저점되려면 아직도 멀었습니다~~~ㅋㅋㅋ

미쿡이랑 비슷하게 흐르고 있다고,,,,,

설명해주고, 관련뉴스올려주고, (제말 못믿는거 같아서) 분석가의 피쳐까지올려주고,

뭘?? 더 말씀드려야 되나여???^^ㅋㅋㅋ

아님 구라쟁이 불나방을 믿으시던가요~^^


짐 호주은행들 개판오분전이라고 맨날 뉴스나옵니다...

인플레이션, 이자율, 고용불안(콴타스 몇명 짜른다고 했는지 보세요 ), 렌트 등등

이러한 모든 불안요소들은 크래딛 크뤈치에 힘을 실어주고 있구여,,,


부동산??? 이게 짐 젤~~루 심각합니다~~

제 생각이지만,

은행부터해서 구라치며 버티고 있지만 오래 못갈겁니다...ㅋㅋㅋ


그럼 제일 첨에 얻어 맞는게 부동산입니다...!!!!

관심있으시면, 미쿡을 잘 리서치해보세요~~

먼저 시작한 곳이니깐,,,


그럼 총알준비해서 모두들 부~~~자 되세요!!!!! ^^


호주, 뉴질랜드의 부동산은 지난 5년간 생긴 거품이 꺼질겁니다. 작년에 대출받아 집 산 사람들은 높은 금리에 죽어날거고... 세상 어디에도 천국은 없나봅니다. 08.07.29

리플달기 | 신고하기


잘 읽고 갑니다. (저는 영어가 짧아서...) 감사합니다. 08.07.27

리플달기 | 신고하기


대출받은 집만 잇는 사람은 어덯하나요-- 08.07.27

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