
자세히 알려드립니다..ㅋㅋ (165비자) 2008.07.10 - Christhills

2020-08-28 22:30
요즘 다시 비자에 대해 물으시는 분들 많으시네요...

이걸 묻기전에 기본 영어부터 하시면 좋을듯합니다..<----제 개인적생각이요~^^

해석안되는 부분 말씀하세요...^^

요기 영어잘하는 분들 많아요...ㅋㅋㅋ 특히, 불나방이라고???

매일 아침 베토벤 심포니들으며 매일 타임지읽으며,,,

넘 미국적 색체가 강해 투덜되는 애도있구여..아~하하하

부탁하시면 도움을 드릴듯,,,ㅋㅋ



1. 비자의 정의부터요


State/Territory Sponsored Investor (Provisional) (Subclass 165)


This visa is for people who have a successful business or investment career, and have a genuine and realistic commitment to be involved in investing or business in Australia. This visa is also the first step towards being granted a permanent Business Skills visa.

Who is this visa for?


This visa is for investors/business people from overseas who are willing to invest funds in a designated investment in Australia for four (4) years, and are less than 55 years of age.

How much will this visa cost?


You must pay a non-refundable visa charge when you lodge your visa application.
See: Business Development Visa Charges

What does this visa let me do?


With this visa you can:

  • make a designated investment
  • travel in and out of Australia any number of times as long as the visa is valid
  • have your family accompany you to Australia. They will have access to work and study rights
  • establish a pathway to permanent residence.

2. 궁금하신게 이런거 겠죠????


This visa is a temporary visa, and the first step towards being granted a permanent Business Skills visa. You must be outside Australia when this visa is granted, unless you held a student visa at the time you applied..

You may be eligible for a permanent Business Skills visa after holding this visa for a minimum of two (2) years. To be eligible for a permanent Business Skills visa you must meet all the obligations of this visa and additional requirements of the permanent Business Skills visa you apply for. Meeting these requirements may take you longer than two (2) years.

After two (2) years you may be eligible to apply for on-e of the following visas:

  • Investor (residence)
  • State/Territory Sponsored Investor (residence)
  • Business Owner (residence)
  • State/Territory Sponsored Business Owner (residence)

Visa validity period


This visa is valid for four years.
If the visa is granted while you are:

  • in Australia (Student visa holders on-ly) it is valid from the date of grant
  • outside Australia it is valid from the entry expiry date on your visa label.

Bringing family


The following people may be included in your application:

  • your spouse
  • your or your spouse's dependent children
  • other dependent relatives living with you.

With this visa you are unable to access Medicare, the Australian Government medical expenses and hospital care scheme.
See: www.medicare.gov.au

Private Health Insurance is available to you, but it is not a requirement for the grant of this visa.

Family assistance


With this visa you are unable to access family assistance.
See: www.familyassist.gov.au

Social security


With this visa you are unable to access social security payments.
See: www.centrelink.gov.au

State/Territory Sponsored Investor visa definitions


Definitions are available to help you understand the information on these pages.
See: Definitions



3. 어케해야 신청할 수 있나???(신청조건)


Below are the requirements you must meet to be eligible for a State/Territory Sponsored Investor (provisional) visa. You must provide evidence of each of the requirements with your application.



You must be less than 55 years old (except where the regional authority considers that the proposed business will be of exceptional economic benefit to the region).



You must be sponsored by an appropriate regional authority of a State or Territory government.

Designated Investment


At the time of the decision you made a government approved Designated Investment of at least A$750,000 in a state or territory of Australia. This amount must be available for transfer to Australia within a resonable period when requested.

Business career


For at least on-e of the five fiscal years immediately before you apply:

  • you have maintained direct involvement in either managing a qualifying business in which you (or you and your spouse together) had an ownership interest of at least 10% of the total value of the business;
  • you maintained direct involvement in managing your (or you and your spouse's combined (eligible investments, the total value of which was at least A$750,000.

Business experience


You have a total of at least three years experience of direct involvement in managing on-e or more qualifying businesses or eligible investments.

You have demonstrated a high level of management skill in relation to an eligible investment or qualifying business activity.

Business record


You (or your spouse) have never been involved in unacceptable business or investment activities.

Committed to business in Australia


You have a commitment to develop and maintain an ownership interest in a business in Australia and you must maintain direct and continuous involvement in the management of that business.

Net assets


The net value of your (or your and your spouse's combined) assets was at least A$1,125,000 for the two fiscal years immediately before you apply.



You must meet health requirements to enter Australia.

See: Health Requirements



You must be of good character for you to enter Australia.
See: Character and Penal Clearance Requirements

Australian Values Statement


If you are aged 18 years or over, you are required to sign an Australian values statement. The statement is included in your visa application form and all applicants aged 18 years and over will need to sign it to confirm that they will respect the Australian way of life and obey Australian laws. Before signing this statement you are required to have read, or had explained to you, material made available by the government on life in Australia which is contained in the Life in Australia book.

The Life in Australia book provides more information on the values that Australians share and their way of life.


4. 의무는 무엇인가??



You must maintain your designated investment for 4 years.

Visa conditions

  • You must not marry before you enter Australia
  • You must enter Australia before anyone else included in your visa application
    Note: This means your family members cannot enter Australia before you.

Family Member Obligations


Family members must not enter Australia before the Investor.

Change in circumstances


If your circumstances change, you must inform the department (in writing) as soon as possible.
See: Form 1022 Notification of Changes in Circumstances (88KB PDF file)





더 자세한 내용은 직접가셔서 보심될듯...^^



그럼 궁금증이 확~~풀어지셨길~~~~^^


호주오셔서 꼭~~~ 자식들에겐 국가관 확립시키시고


교민으로서 호주에 기여하며,


대한민국을 자랑스럽게 만드는 한국인되시길 바랍니다...^^


제가 응원합니다~~~~~~~~~~^^
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