
호주정부의 악성루머 단속.. 2008.11.19 - Christhills

2020-08-29 11:50
정부가 나서서 악성루머를 단속하겠다고,,,,

고의로 악성루머를 퍼트려 주가를 끌어내리는 인간들을 잡아 족치겠다는 겁니다..ㅋㅋ

뭐, 이쯤되면 어느정도 실물경제로 넘어왔다 보시면 됩니다..ㅜ.ㅜ;;


오늘도 밥코컨브라운(Babcock and Brown)은 850명의 목가지를 날린다 하더군요..



땅파는 장사도 요새 무지 힘든듯 보이고,,, 쩝..




Govt to crack down on financial rumour spreaders



The Federal Government is trying to crack down on people deliberately spreading false rumours about companies with the aim of driving down their share price.

The Minister for Corporate Law, Nick Sherry, has asked the independent Corporations and Market Advisory Committee to examine the issue by the middle of next year.

Senator Sherry says there have been some shocking cases of people taking advantage of the financial turmoil to damage the reputations of good companies.

"Concerns have been raised that some market participants both here and abroad have been spreading false or misleading information in respect of certain securities in order to take advantage of artificial changes in their price induced by the rumours," he said.

"Numerous members of corporate Australia have raised examples of this with me over the last year."

Senator Sherry has asked for an inquiry into what more can be done to stop the practice.

"I accept that it is not easy to track down and prosecute offenders in this area, but we're going to give it our best effort and ASIC will carry that responsibility," he said.

"I do think we need to do more in this area because some of the stories, aside from being personally frankly very distressing for those individuals, have the potential to undermine a sound business."




덕분에 많이 배워요....호주방 미네르바님 08.12.05

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