
Visit WA Museum Boola Bardip after-hours!

2020-12-21 12:00
Be among the first to visit
WA Museum Boola Bardip after-hours
Whether you haven't had a chance to visit yet or you simply must visit again, WA Museum Boola Bardip will be celebrating the festive season with special late-night openings, every night, from Friday 18 December until Wednesday 23 December.

Schedule a Museum date with loved ones, or bring friends and family to explore everything from the origins of the Universe to Western Australia's incredible wildlife — did we mention there are dinosaurs?

Friday 18 – Wednesday 23 December | Free entry
Last entry at 7.30pm | Museum closes at 9pm
Epoch is the newest food and beverage venue in the Perth Cultural Centre. Pair your visit with Western Australian wine and beer, barista-made coffee, charcuterie and fries with lemon myrtle aioli. Meanwhile, keep the kids satisfied with delicious pasta or a hearty serve of fish and chips.

Friday 18 – Wednesday 23 December | Extended opening hours until 8pm | Fully licensed

WA Museum Boola Bardip will be open until 9pm on Thursday 31 December.

Enjoy an evening with friends as you explore the Museum's eight brand-new exhibitions as well as our opening special exhibition, Songlines: Tracking the Seven Sisters.

Tickets are available now. Entry is free!

After your visit, venture into the Cultural Centre to enjoy City of Perth's spectacular fireworks display, scheduled for 9pm. Check Visit Perth for details.

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